UNIT - I Macro Economics
1. National Income 2. Economic Welfare and National Income 3. Circular Flow of Income 4. National Income Accounting/Social Accounting 5. Green Accounting 6 .The Classical Theory of Employment 7. Say’s Law of Market 8. Theory of Keynesian Employment 9. Consumption Function : Average and Marginal Propen-sity to Consume : Factors Influencing Consumption Spending 10. Saving and Investment : Exante and Ex-Post Equality and Equilibrium 11. Theory of Investment : Autonomous and Induced and Marginal Efficiency of Capital 12. Trade Cycle : Nature and Characteristics (Hawtrey’s Monetary Theory, Hayek’s Over Investment Theory, Keynes view on Trade Cycle, Samuelson and Accelerator Interaction Model, Control of Trade Cycle) 13. International and Inter-Regional Trade 14. Theory of International Trade (Absolute and Comparative Advantage) 15. Modern Theory of International Trade or Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 16. International Trade and Economic Development 17. Free Trade and Protection-Tools of Protection-Custom Duty, Quota-Devaluation-Tariffs, State Trading Etc. 18. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment19. International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) 20. World Bank 21. World Trade Organisation (W.T.O.) 22. Foreign Trade in India (Trends & Direction) 23. Import-Export Policy of India,
UNIT - II Money, Banking and Public Finance
1. Meaning and Functions of Money 2. Gresham’s Law 3. Quantity Theory of Money 4. Value of Money and Index Number 5. Inflation, Deflation and Recession 6. Commercial Banks and Credit Creation 7. Central Banking and its Functions 8. Reserve Bank of India 9. Monetary Policy : Objectives and Limitations10. Meaning and Scope of Public Finance 11. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage 12. Public Expenditure : Meaning, Nature, Wagner and Wiseman Peacock’s Law 13. Classification and Canons of Public Expenditure 14. Sources of Public Revenue 15. The Division of Tax Burden : Incidence of Tax 16. Benefit and Ability to Pay Principles of Taxation 17. Effects of Taxation 18. Canons of Taxation and Characteristics of a Good Tax System.
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