Buy Bhartiya Sanskriti Ka Itihas (History of Indian Culture) of U.P. Universities for B.A. and M.A. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

भारतीय संस्कृति का इतिहास History of Indian Culture B.A. 3rd Year

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An excellent book with thorough coverage for M.A. and B.A. classes, also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 9254

ISBN : 978-93-83697-10-6

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. A. K. Chaturvedi, Rinki Agarwal

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Book Content

1. Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization) 2. Vedic PeriodSociety, Religion and Culture 3. Vedic Period-Ashram System and Status of Women 4. Jainism and Buddhism 5. Mauryan Period-Social Condition, Art and Architecture (Gandhar and Mathura Art) 6. The Gupta Period-Religious Condition and Art 7. Rural and Urban Structure of Society in Medieval Period 8. Development of Architecture, Painting and Education in Medieval Period 9. Bhakti Movement and Sufism 10 . Renaissance-Hindu Social and Religious Reformation Movements 11. Rise of Modern Education and Press 12. Social Legislation Passed by the British Govt. : Women’s Education, Status and Rights and Different Movements 13. Colonial Architecture, 

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. A. K. Chaturvedi, Rinki Agarwal
  • Class : B.A. IIIrd Year (CCS University, Meerut), B.A. III (Dr. RMLA University, Ayodhya), B.A. III (MJP Ruhilkhand University, Barreilly)
  • Page No. : 224
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.