1. Foundations of Indian Business, 2. Liberalisation and Globalisation, 3. Innovation, Skill Development and Make-in-India Movement, 4. Social Responsibility and Ethics, 5. Emerging Opportunities in Business, 6. Forms of Business Organisations : Sole Proprietorship or Sole Trade, 7. Joint Hindu Family Business, 8. Partnership (Including Provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008), 9. Co-operative Societies, 10. Company/Joint Stock Company, 11. Choice of Form of Business Organisations and Starting a Business, 12. Public Sector Enterprises, 13. Forms of Public Sector Enterprises, 14. Global Enterprises (Multinational Companies) and Public Private Partnership, 15. International Business, 16. The Process of Management, 17. Planning, 18. Decision-Making, 19. Organizing, 20. Departmentation, 21. Delegation and Decentralisation of Authority, 22. Leadership, 23. Motivation, 24. Communication, 25. Control, 26. Marketing Management, 27. Financial Management, 28. Human Resource Management and Human Relations.
Unit I : Foundation of Indian Business
Manufacturing and Service Sectors; Small and Medium Enterprises; Problems and Government Policy. India’s Experience of Liberalisation and Globalisation. Technological Innovations and Skill Development. ‘Make in India’ Movement. Social Responsibility and Ethics.
Emerging Opportunities in Business; Franchising, Outsourcing, and E-Commerce.
Unit 3 : Management and Organisation
The Process of Management : Planning; Decision-Making, Strategy Formulation.
Organizing : Basic Considerations; Departmentation—Functional, Project, Matrix and Network, Delegation and Decentralisation of Authority, Groups and Teams.
Motivation : Concept and Importance; Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory; Herzberg Two Factors Theory. Communication : Process and Barriers; Control : Concept and Process
Unit 5 : Functional Areas of Management
Marketing Management : Marketing Concept; Marketing Mix; Product Life Cycle; Pricing Policies and Practices Financial Management : Concept and Objectives; Sources of Funds—Equity Shares, Debentures, Venture Capital and Lease Finance Securities Market Role of SEBI. Human Resource Management: Concept and Functions; Basic Dynamics of Employer-Employee Relation
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.