Buy Business Organisation And Management of Uttrakhand Universities for B.Com. and M.Com. also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

व्यावसायिक संगठन एवं प्रबंध Business Organisation And Management B. Com. 1st Sem

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According to New Syllabus of Uttrakhand Universities for B.Com. and M.Com. also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 9942

ISBN : 978-93-5167-636-2

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : O. P. Gupta

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Book Content


1. Foundations of Indian Business, 2. Liberalisation and Globalisation, 3. Innovation, Skill Development and Make-in-India Movement, 4. Social Responsibility and Ethics, 5. Emerging Opportunities in Business, 6. Forms of Business Organisations : Sole Proprietorship or Sole Trade, 7. Joint Hindu Family Business, 8. Partnership (Including Provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008), 9. Co-operative Societies, 10. Company/Joint Stock Company, 11. Choice of Form of Business Organisations and Starting a Business, 12. Public Sector Enterprises, 13. Forms of Public Sector Enterprises, 14. Global Enterprises (Multinational Companies) and Public Private Partnership, 15. International Business, 16. The Process of Management, 17. Planning, 18. Decision-Making, 19. Organizing, 20. Departmentation, 21. Delegation and Decentralisation of Authority, 22. Leadership, 23. Motivation, 24. Communication, 25. Control, 26. Marketing Management, 27. Financial Management, 28. Human Resource Management and Human Relations.


Unit I : Foundation of Indian Business   

Manufacturing and Service Sectors; Small and Medium Enterprises; Problems and Government Policy. India’s Experience of Liberalisation and Globalisation. Technological Innovations and Skill Development. ‘Make in India’ Movement. Social Responsibility and Ethics.

Emerging Opportunities in Business; Franchising, Outsourcing, and E-Commerce.

 Unit 2 : Business Enterprises      

 Forms of Business Organisation; Sole Proprietorship, joint Hindu Family Firm, Partnership Firm, Joint Stock Company, Cooperative Society; Limited Liability Partnership; Choice of Form of Organisation, Government—Business Interface; Rationale and Forms of Public Enterprises. International Business Multinational Corporations.

Unit 3 : Management and Organisation

The Process of Management : Planning; Decision-Making, Strategy Formulation.

Organizing : Basic Considerations; Departmentation—Functional, Project, Matrix and Network, Delegation and Decentralisation of Authority, Groups and Teams.

 Unit 4 : Leadership, Motivation and Control        

 Leadership : Concept and Styles; Trait and Situational Theory of Leadership.

Motivation : Concept and Importance; Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory; Herzberg Two Factors Theory. Communication : Process and Barriers; Control : Concept and Process


Unit 5 : Functional Areas of Management            

Marketing Management : Marketing Concept; Marketing Mix; Product Life Cycle; Pricing Policies and Practices Financial Management : Concept and Objectives; Sources of Funds—Equity Shares, Debentures, Venture Capital and Lease Finance Securities Market Role of SEBI. Human Resource Management: Concept and Functions; Basic Dynamics of Employer-Employee Relation

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : O. P. Gupta
  • Class : B. Com. Ist Sem (HNB University, Shrinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand)
  • Page No. : 304
  • Year : 2024
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