Buy Arthshastra Economics to New Syllabus of Various Universities of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh State for BA and MA, also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

अर्थशास्त्र Economics

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According to New Syllabus of Various Universities of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh State for BA and MA, also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 8635

ISBN : 978-93-84223-63-2

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Pro. B. L. Ojha, Dr. Anupam Agarwal

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Book Content


1. The Definition of Economics 2. Scope of Economics & Its Nature (Positive vs Normative Science) 3. Economic Laws & Their Nature 4. Basic Concepts : Equilibrium, Utility, Elasticity and Com-petition 5. Utility Analysis (Cardinal Utility Analysis) 6. Indifference Curve & Consumer’s Equilibrium Ordinal Utility Analysis-I 7. Income Effect, Substitution Effect & Price Effect (Ordinal Utility Analysis-II) 8.Revealed Preference Theory, 9. Consumer’s Surplus 10. Demand and Law of Demand 11. Elasticity of Demand & Its Measurement 12. Production of Factors of Production 13. Production Function 14. Law of Return (Law of Variable Proportions),, 15. ISO-Product Curve & Its Characteristics, 16. Production Decision : Optimum Cost Combination 17. Returns to Scale 18. Cost Analysis 19. Representative and Optimum Firm 20. Market : Concept and Various Types 21. Concept of Revenue 22. Equilibrium of Firm : Concept and Conditions 23 .Perfect Competition (Price Determination & Equilibrium of Firm in Perfect Competition), 24. Monopoly and price Discrimination, 25. Monopolistic Competition, 26. Economic Systems (Capitalism, Socialism and Mixed Economy), 27. Problems of Allocation of Resources (Control Problems of an Economy), 28. Welfare Economics : Concept, Measurement, Old and New Welfare Economics and National Income, 29. Theories of Distribution, 30. Rent, 31. Wages, 32. Interest, 33. Profit, 34. Variables, Constant and Functions, 35.Equations and Identity, 36. Straight Line : Slope of a Line, 37. Differentiation, 


1.Nature, Structure, Growth and Composition of Indian Economy, 2 .Sectoral Development of the Economy and Their Inter-relationship, 3 .Utilization of Natural Resources in India : Land, Water and Forest Resources, 4. Utilization of Natural Resources in India : Minerals, 5. Utilization of Human Resources, 6. Problems of Population and Population Policy in India, 7. Need, Objectives and Strategy of Economic Planning in India, 8. Problem of Poverty in India : Causes, Efforts for Removal and Suggestions, 9. Unemployment in India : Nature, Extent and Employ-ment Policy, 10. Agriculture in India : Trends of Production and Pro-ductivity, 11. Land Reforms in India : Agricultural Holdings, Sub-Division, Fragmentation and Consolidation, 12. Agricultural Labour, Rural Unemployment and Under Unemployment, 13 .Agricultural Finance and Rural Indebtedness, 14. Problems of Supply of Agricultural Inputs, 15. Problems of Irrigation and Power Resources, 16. Agricultural Marketing and Agricultural Price Policy in India, 17. Co-operative Farming, Agriculture and Rural Development, 18. Technology Change in Agriculture, 19. Agricultural Development During Plans : New Agricultural Strategies and Green Revolution, 20. Growth and Structure of Industries in India, 21. Industrial and Licensing Policies in India, 22. Major Large Scale Industries in India, 23. Small Scale and Cottage Industries in India (Importance, Development, Problems and Solutions), 24. Industrial Finance in India, 25. Foreign Capital and Multinational Corporations in India, 26. Industrial Labour in India—Wages and Wage Regulation, 27. Social Security and Labour Welfare in India, 28. Industrial Relation, Industrial Peace and Trade Union Movement in India, 29. Nature, Structure and Development of Service Sector in India, 30. Nature, Structure and Development of Uttar Pradesh Economy, 31. Uttar Pradesh Economy During Plans, 32. Demographic Scenario in Uttar Pradesh–2011, 33. Infra-structure in Uttar Pradesh : Energy, Transportation and Water Resources, 34. Decentralization of Planning in Uttar Pradesh, 35. Industrial Development in Economy of Uttar Pradesh, 36. Small and Cottage Industries in Uttar Pradesh, 37. Agriculture in Uttar Pradesh,38. Unemployment and Poverty in Uttar Pradesh, 39. Regional Disparities (Imbalance) and Policy Issues. 


Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Pro. B. L. Ojha, Dr. Anupam Agarwal
  • Class : General
  • Page No. : 936
  • Year : 2024
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