Paper I - भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की संरचना एवं समस्याएं (Structure and Problems of Indian Economy –II),
1. Industrial Development During the Planning Period, 2. Globalisation, 3. Industrial and Licensing Policies in India, 4. Small Scale and Cottage Industries in India (Importance, Development, Problems and Solutions), 5. Industrial Finance in India, 6. Industrial Sickness, 7. Nature, Structure and Development of Service Sector in India, 8. Make in India and Skill Development Programme, 9. Digital India and Jandhan Yojana, 10. Planning in India : Objectives, Strategy, Achievement, Failure and Niti Ayog, 11. Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17), 12. Concept and Significance of Regional Development, 13. Regional and Sectoral Imbalances and Regional Planning, 14. Uttarakhand : Demographic Features, 15. Features of Uttarakhand’s Economy, 16. Uttarakhand—Geographical Features, 17. Natural Resources and Forest Resources in Uttarakhand, 18. Energy Resources, 19. Agriculture and Horticulture in Uttarakhand, 20. Uttarakhand—Industrial Development, 21. Tourism, 22. Unemployment, 23. Poverty, 24. Migration to Uttarakhand, 25. Role of Women in Uttarakhand’s Economy, 26. Uttarakhand : Welfare Schemes
Paper II – आर्थिक विचार का इतिहास (History of Economic Thought – II)
1. Austrian or The Psychological School : Carl Menger, Fredrich Van Wieser and Eugen Von Bohm Bawerk, 2. Neo-Classical Economists : Marshall, 3. The Institutional Economists : Thorsten Vablen and Mitche, 4. Welfare Economists : Pigou, Hobson, Robinson, Hicks and Clark, 5. John Maynard Keynes, 6. Economic Thoughts of Kautilya, 7. Indian Economic Thoughts : Naoroji and Ranade, 8. Mahatma Gandhi, Gokhale and Jawaharlal Nehru, 10. J. K. Mehta, Amartya Sen and Samuelson.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.