1. Forms of Market 2. Features of Perfect Market and Equilibrium of Firm and Industry 3. Derivation of Supply Curve Under Perfect Competition 4. Monopoly : Price and Output Determination 5. Price Discrimination Under Monopoly 6. Monopolistic Competition : Price, Output Determination and Importance of Selling Costs 7. Oligopoly, Kinked Demand Curve Theory and Duopoly 8. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution 9. Adding up Theorem (Or Euler’s Theorem) 10. Theories of Wage Determination and Relationship Between Collective Bargaining and Wages 11. Ricardo and Modern Theory of Rent 12. Interest : Classical and Keynesian Theory 13. Profit : Innovation Risk and Uncertainty Theories 14. Welfare Economics Concept of Welfare Value, Judgement and Problems in Measuring Welfare 15. Classical Welfare Economics : Pigou’s and Pareto’s Theories 16. Compensation Principles and Social Functions,
1. Industrial Development During the Plan Period 2. Industrial Policies : 1948, 1956, 1977, 1980 and 1991 3. Industrial Licensing Policy 4. Cottage and Small Scale Industries in India : Growth, Importance and Problems 5. Role of Public Sector in Industrialization 6. Foreign Trade in India : Role, Composition and Direction 7. Balance of Payment 8. Trade Policy of India9. Economic Reforms in India : Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation 10. Foreign Trade and Export Promotion in India 11. Foreign Capital : Foreign AID, Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations 12. Economic Infra-Structure : Energy, Transport and Comm-unication 13. Social Infra-Structure : Education, Health and Environ-ment 14. Regional and Sectoral Imbalance and Regional Planning 15. Human Resource Development : Poverty and Environ-ment 16. Poverty in India 17. Inequalities of Income in India 18. Unemployment Problems in India 19. Problems of Rising Prices in India 20. Industrialisation : Meaning, Features and Problems.
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