First Paper : Statistical Analysis (सांख्यिकीय विश्लेषण)
1. Introduction to Statistics and Basic Concepts 2. Types of Data : Primary and Secondary Data 3. Census and Sample Investigation 4. Classification and Tabulation of Data, 5. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data 6. Graphic Presentation of Data 7. Measures of Central Tendency 8. Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean 9. Partition Values or Quartiles or Other Measures Based on Median Principles 10. Measures of Dispersion 11. Measures of Skewness 12. Correlation 13. Regression Analysis 14. Analysis of Time-Series 15. Index Number 16. Probability 17. Moments 18. Measures of Kurtosis 19. Theoretical Distribution.
Second Paper : History of Economic Thought-I (आर्थिक राजनितिक चिंतन का इतिहास – I)
1. Mercantilism 2. The Physiocracy 3. Adam Smith 4. David Ricardo 5. Thomas Robert Malthus 6. Sismondi 7. Karl Marx 8. Say and Senior 9. John Stuart Mill 10. Friedrich List.