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भौगोलिक चिंतन एवं तीन दक्षिणी महाद्वीप Geographical Thought and Three Southern Continent B. A. 3rd Year

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According to New Syllabus of Bihar Universities for B.A. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 0287

ISBN : 978-93-91726-19-5

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Chaturbhuj Mamoria, Dr. Komal Singh

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Book Content

UNIT - I Geographical Thought

1. Changing Definitions of Geography, 2. Nature, Scope and Aim of Geography, 3.Different Branches of Geography, 4. Classical Period of Geography, 5.Roman Geographers, 6. Geographical Thoughts in Ancient India, 7. Geographical Knowledge in Ancient Period, 8. Early Medieval Geography, 9. Late Medieval Geography—Renaissance Era,10. Geography in the 18th Century—Pre-modern Classical Period,11. Geography in the 19th Century—Classical Period of Modern Geography, 12. German School of Geographical Thoughts, 13. French School of Geographical Thoughts, 14. Anglo-American School of Geographical Thoughts,15. Soviet School of Geographical Thoughts, 16. Determinism, Possibilism and Neo-determinism, 17. Geography in Modern India, 18.Recent Trends in Geography,19. Basic Concepts of Geography, 20. Regional Concept, 21. Dualism in Geography, 22. Quantitative Revolution, Paradigms and System Analysis, 23. Ecology, 24. Eco System, 25.Biosphere, 26. Applied Ecology, 27.Pollution Ecology, 


UNIT - 2 Three Southern Continents

1. South America : Physiography, 2. Agriculture, 3. Demography, 4. Regional Study of Brazil, 5. Australia and Newzealand : General Account of the Physiography, 6. Dairy Farming, 7. Demographic Set-up, 8. Regional Study of Newzealand, 9. Africa : Physiograph, 10. Agriculture, 11. Grassland (Savana) and Desert Environment 12. Regional Account of Nigeria and Egypt,13. Geographical Account of South Africa 14. Geographical Account of Argentina, 15. Geographical Account of Zimbabwe,16. Social and Cultural Aspect of Bushmen, Hotentot, Maori and Boro.

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Chaturbhuj Mamoria, Dr. Komal Singh
  • Class : B. A. IIIrd Year (L.N. Mithila University), B.A. III (BRA University, Muzaffarpur)
  • Page No. : 556
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.