UNIT – I Physical Geography (Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
1.Definition of Climatology, Importance, Climate and Weather 2. Composition of Atmosphere, Layers of the Atmosphere and their Characteristics 3. Insolation and Factors Affecting its Distribution and Heat Balance 4. Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Temperature and Inversion of Temperature 5. Atmosphere Pressure, Atmosphere Circulation and Winds 6. Atmosphere Humidity, Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation 7. Air Masses and Fronts : Origin and Classification 8. Tropical and Temperate Cyclones 9. Classification of World Climate-Koppen and Thornthwaite 10. Hydrosphere : Hypsographic Curve and Relief of the Oceans 11. Ocean Bed Deposits 12. Coral Reefs 13. Temperature of Oceanic Water 14. Salinity of Oceanic Water 15. Movements of Oceanic Water : Waves and Currents 16. Movements of Oceanic Water : Tides 17. Oceans : As Storehouse of Resources for Future,
UNIT – II Economic Geography
1. Definition and Scope of Economic Geography 2. Sectors of Economy—Primary, Secondary and Tertiary 3. Geography of Primary Production : Agriculture and Woal Production and Trade 4. Fisheries 5. Mineral Resources 6. Power Resources 7. Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 8. Manufacturing Industries : Factors Affecting Location and Important Industries 9. Transportation 10. Changes in World Economy in the Context of Globalization
UNIT – III Practical Geography
1. Weather Maps 2. Metrological Instruments 3. Classification of Indian Meteorological Observatories 4. Diagramatic Representation of Climatic Data : Line Graph, Poly Graph, Climograph and Hythergraph 5. Prismatic Compass Survey.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.