UNIT - I Introduction to Geography & Geophysics
1. Meaning and Scope of Geography, Its Relation with Other Social Science, 2. Classical Period of Geography, 3. Geography in Modern and Recent Period, 4. Recent Trends in Geography, 5. Contribution in Geography : Hetner, Vidal-De-La-Blache & W. M. Davis, 6. Determinism, Possibilism, Neo-Determinism, Positivism and Humanism, 7. Dualism in Geography, 8. Man and Environment Relationship, 9. Quantitative Revolution, Radicalism and Quantification in Geography,
UNIT - II Environment & Bio-Gegraphy
1. Environment Geography : Definition, Nature, Scope and Importance, 2. Concept of Ecology, 3. Ecosystem, 4. Environmental Degradation and Conservation, 5. Problem of Pollution, 6. Global Warming : Its Causes and Consequences, 7. Definition, Concept, Scope and Importance of Bio-Geography, 8. Soil and Its Profile, Classification and Distribution of Soil, Soil Erosion and Conservation in the World, 9. Problem of Bio-Diversity and Conservation, 10. Natural Disaster and their Impact on Biota, Food Tsunami, 11. Human Generated Nuclear Disaster, 12. Disaster Management,
UNIT - III Practical Geography
1. Map Projection, 2. Interpretation of Topographical Maps.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.