भौगोलिक चिन्तन का इतिहास (Buy Bhogolik Chintan Ka Itihas) - History Of Geographical Thought by Dr. H. S. Garg

भौगोलिक चिन्तन का इतिहास History Of Geographical Thought

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According to New Syllabus of Various Universities of India for B.A. and M.A. also very helpful for the students preparing for various Entrance Examination.

Book Code : 5295

ISBN : 978-93-90556-20-5

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. H. S. Garg

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Book Content

UNIT - I Nature Of  Geography 

1. Nature and Scope of Geography 2. Basic Important Concepts of Georaphy 

UNIT - II  Evolution of Geographical Thought

3. Contribution of Indian and Chinese Scholars in Ancient Period 4. Contribution of Ancient Greek and Roman Geographers 5 .Dark Age in Europe and Contribution of Arab Geographers 6. Renaissance Period in Europe : Discoveries and Inventions 7. German School of Geographical Thought 8. French School of Geographical Thought 9. British School of Geographical Thought 10. American School of Geographical Thought 11. Contribution of Soviet Geographers 12. Geography in Modern India and Carrier Opportunities for Geographers 

UNIT - III Modern Concepts and Techniques in Geography

13. Man-Environment Relationship Concepts 14. Concept of Region and Regionalization 15. Dualism in Geography 16. Changing Paradigms in Geography : Positivism, Quantitative Revolution and Models 17. Scientific Explanations in Geography and System Analysis 18. Recent Trends in Geography 


Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. H. S. Garg
  • Class : General
  • Page No. : 324
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.