1. Office : Meaning, Functions, Importance and Organisation, 2. Office Management : Meaning and Concept, Characteristics, Importance and Functions, 3. [Business Office : Handling of the Mail (Record of Inward and Outward Correspondence), 4. Methods of Filing, 5. Indexing, 6. Copying : Meaning, Objectives and Various Methods, 7. Duplicating and Typing, 8. Communication, 9. Office Forms : Design and their Use, 10. Forms and Stationery Control, 11. Office Environment and Flow of Work, 12. Office Machines and Equipments, 13. Office Procedure, Routine, System, Work Simplification and Organisation and Methods, 14. Office Manual, 15. Office Report Writing, 16. Personnel Management, 17. Reception Room and Public Relation, 18. Correspondence : Business and Office Letter, 19. Introduction to Computer.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.