Buy Philosophy is a great pleasure in presenting as a Text Book. The Book has been written strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus of different universities

दर्शनशास्त्र Philosophy B.A. 1st Year

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It is a great pleasure in presenting as a Text Book. The Book has been written strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus of different universities

Book Code : 8501

ISBN : 978-93-5167-206-7

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Vimal Agrawal

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Book Content


1. Nature and Objects of Indian Philosophy 2. Indian Philosophy-Fundamental Features, Importance and Usefullness 3. Indian Philosophy-Theistic and Non-Theistic School 4. The Philosophy of Gita 5. Swadharma (Apna Kartavya) 6. Lok Sangraha (Lok Kalayan) 7. An Introduction of Indian Metaphysics 8. The Philosophy of the Vedas 9. The Philosophy of the Upanishads 10. Epistomology-Charvak Darshan 11. Tatva Mimansha-Charvak Darshan 12. Aachar Mimansha-Charvak Darshan 13. Jain Ethics-Triratna, Anuvratas and Mahavratas 14. Jain Philosophy-(i) Jiva and Ajiva, Jain Philosophy-(ii) Anekantavada & Syadavad 15. Jain Philosophy-(ii) Anekantavada & Syadavad 16. Jain Philosophy-(iii) Bondage and Liberation 17. Ethics of Buddha Philosophy 18. Four Noble Truth and Pratitya Samutpada of Buddha Philosophy 19. Buddha Philosophy-The Doctrine of Momentariness and Noself 20. Nature of Pramana and Types Perception 21. Types of Pramana-(i) Anuman 22. Types of Pramana-(ii) Comparison and Testimony 23. Padartha (Vaisheshika) Philosophy Concept of Dravya 24. Padartha (Vaisheshika) Philosophy Concept of Attribute (Quality) and Karma 25. Padartha (Vaisheshika) Philosophy Inherence, Particularity, Generality and Non-Existance 26. Sankhya Philosophy 27. Yoga Philosophy 28. Purva Mimansa and Vedant-Nature of Dharma and Pramanyavad 29. Nature of Gyan Mimansa 30. The Advaita Vedanta of Shankara (Brahma-Maya, Jiva-Bandhana & Moksha) 31. Nature of World 32. Nature of Brahma 33. Nature of Soul 34. Ramanuja-The Relation between Jiva and Brahma, Brahma Jagat (World) and Conception of Maya


1. Modern Western Philosophy (Rene Descartes) 2. Benedict Spinoza 3 .Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz 4. John Locke 5. George Berkeley 6. David Hume 7. Immanual Kant 8. George Wilhelm Hegel.

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Vimal Agrawal
  • Class : B.A. 1st Year U.P. Universities
  • Page No. : 320
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.