1. Economic Planning—Meaning, Objects, Scope, Importance & Type, 2. Economic Planning in Underdeveloped Economy—Essentials & Steps or Process of Economic Planning, 3. Planning Commission of India and NITI AAYOG, 4. Evaluation of India’s Economic Planning, 5. Growth, Development and Structural Change in India, 6. Changes in Policy Perspective on the Role of Institutional Framework After, 1991, 7. Economic Growth and Distribution in India, 8. Unemployment and Poverty in India, 9. Human Development, 10. Economic Development and Environment, 11. Demographic Perspective : Relation between Population & Develop-ment, 12. Plans and Agriculture Development : Green Revolution, 13. Agricultural Price Policy, 14. Industrialisation in India, 15. Public and Private Sectors in India, 16. Small and Medium Enterprise, 17. Financial Sector : Structure, Performance and Reforms, 18. Foreign Trade of India, 19. Balance of Payment, 20. India and the World Trade Organisation (WTO), 21. Role of Foreign Direct Investment in India, 22. Inflation and Price Trends in India, 23. Unemployment in India : Nature, Extent and Employment Policy.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.