Buy Principles of Business ManagementIt is a great pleasure in presenting 'Principles of Business Management' as a Text Book for B. Com. and B.B.A classes. The Book has been written strictly in accourdance with the latest syllabus of different universitie

प्रबन्ध के सिद्धान्त Principles of Business Management B.Com. 2nd Year

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It is a great pleasure in presenting 'Principles of Business Management' as a Text Book for B. Com. and B.B.A classes. The Book has been written strictly in accourdance with the latest syllabus of different universities.

Book Code : 4345

ISBN : 978-93-81865-98-9

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Sanjay Gupta

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Book Content

1. Management—Meaning, Characteristics and Functional Area, 2. Management—Nature, Principles, Levels and Limitations, 3. Functions of Management and Managerial Roles, 4. Development of Management Thought, 5. Planning, 6. Types of Plans and Corporate Planning, 7. Management by Objectives, 8. Decision-Making, 9. Environment Analysis and Diagnosis, 10. Nature and Process of Organisation, 11. Organisation Structure and Forms of Organisation, 12. Departmentation, 13. Authority, Responsibility and Delegation of Authority, 14. Centralisation and Decentralisation, 15. Direction—Concept and Techniques, 16. Managerial Control, 17. Techniques of Control, 18. Motivation, 19. Leading and Leadership, 20. Co-ordination : Meaning and Nature, 21. Communication,  22. Management of Change


Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Sanjay Gupta
  • Class : B.Com. IInd Year (U.P.)
  • Page No. : 384
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.