1. Demand Analysis : Determinants and Movements Vs. Shift in Demand Curves, 2. Supply Analysis : Determinants and Movement along Supply Curve Vs. Shift in Supply Curve, 3. Market Equilibrium and Price Determination, 4. Price Elasticity of Demand, 5. Elasticity of Supply, 6. Applications of Demand and Supply Curves, 7. Ordinal Utility Theory : Indifference Curve Analysis or Approach, 8. Criticisms of the Law of Demand, 9. Firms as Agents of Production, 10. Concept of Production Function and Law of Variable Proportion, 11. Isoquant Curve Analysis, 12. Returns to Scale, 13. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale, 14. Theory of Costs : Short Period, Long Period and Very Long Period (Technical Change), 15. Market Structure, 16. Revenue Curve, 17. Theory of Perfect Competition, 18. Short-Run and Long-Run Industry Supply Curve, 19. Allocative Efficiency Under Perfect Competition, 20. Theory of Monopoly Firm, 21. Price Discrimination Under Monopoly, 22. Theory of Monopolistic Competition and Concept of Excess Capacity and Empirical Relevance, 23. Oligopoly, 24. Income Distribution and Factor Pricing Determination,
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