1. Contribution of Weber, 2. Contribution of Fechner, 3. Contribution of Helmltoltz, 4. Contribution of Francis Galton in Development of Psychology (1822-1911), 5. Contribution of William James in Development of Psychology (1842-1910), 6. Contribution of James Mackeen Cattell in Development of Psychology (1850-1944), 7. Structuralism : Contribution of Wundt and Titchner Criticism of Structuralism, 8. Functionalism : Chicago School : Contribution of John Deway, Angell, Carr, 9. Columbia School : Contribution of Thorndike and Woodwarth : Criticism of Functionalism, Difference Between Structuralism and Functionalism, 10. Behaviourism : Watson’s Behaviourism as a School : Chara-cteristics and Evaluation, 11. Gestalt School : Elements of Gestalt theory : Perception, Learning and Thinking, 12. Psychoanalysis : Freudian Contribution & Theories and Stages of Psychosexual Development of Defence Mechanism, 13. Adler’s Individual Phychology, 14. Psychoanalysis Contribution of Jung’s and Collective Unconscious, 15. Kurt Levin’s Field Theory, 16. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.