1. Historical Background of Psychology, Approaches of Behaviour Study, Nature and Field of Psychology; Methods of Psychology-Observation, Experimental, Field Survey, Interview and Questionnaire 2. Contemporary Perspectives : Biological, Cognitive, Psychoanalytical, Humanistic, Evolutionary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives 3. Biological Basis of Behaviour-Stimulus, Organism and Responses, Neurons-Structure and Functions of Brain, Spinal Cord, Automatic Nervous System and Glands 4. States of Mind 5. Sensory Processes : Visual Sensation-Visual Stimulus, Structure of Eyes, Theory of Colour Vision, Auditory Sensation-Auditory Stimulus, Structure of Ears and Auditory Theory, 6. Attention : Nature, Characteristics, Kinds and Determinants 7. Perceptual Processes : Meaning, Nature, Chara-cteristics, Figure and Background, Laws of Perceptual Organisation, Illusion and Movement Perception 8. Learning-Definition, Nature, Theories of Learning- Trail and Error, Insightful Learning, Classical and Instrumental Conditioning 9. Nature of Memory : Meaning and Definitions, Types and Measures of Retention 10. Forgetting : Meaning and Causes, Theories of Forgetting-Interference (Encoding Failure), Trace Decay, Retrieval & Inhibition Theory 11. Motivation-Nature of Motivation, Need, Definition & Types, Innate and Acquired Motivation, Achievement, Power, Affiliation and Approval 12. Emotion-Nature of Emotion, Meaning and Definition, Physiological Changes in Emotions, Theories of Emotion : James Lange and Cannon-Bard Theory 13. Problem, Reasoning, Decision-Making, Thinking & Creative Thinking 14. Intelligence : Definitions, Concept of I.Q., Environmental Influences on Intelligence and Spearman, Thurstone and Guilford’s Theory of Intelligence 15. Culture and Intelligence, Technological Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Nature of Aptitude, Types of Aptitude Test, Measurement of Aptitude, Process Oriented Theories (Piaget, Bruner and Stenberg), Creativity and Intelligence and Assessment of Psychological Attributes 16. Personality : Concept of Personality, Trait and Type Approaches of Personality, Biological, Social and Cultural Determinants of Personality 17. Assessment of Personality-Self-Report Measures, Projection Techniques & Behavioural Analysis,
1. Human Development : Nature, Scope, Determinants of Development and Laws of Development 2. Approaches to Study Human Development : Cross Sectional, Longitudinal, Sequential, Biographical, Case Study and Observation Methods 3. Dynamics of Human Development 4. Physical Development 5. Sensory and Perceptual Development : Process, Sensory Capicities of Infants, Perceptual Development : Dimen-sions and Determinants 6. Cognitive Development : Nature and Approaches : Piaget, Vyogotsky and Information Processing 7. Development of Understanding 8. Concept of Social Development : Criteria and Stages, Concepts and Development of Emotions : Watson and Bridges Theories 9. Thoughts & Language : Nature, Theories Stages and Development 10. Processes of Language Development 11. Adolescence : Meaning, Characteristics Changes and Problems 12. Emotion : Nature of Emotion, Meaning and Definition, Physiological Changes During Emotions, Theories of Emotions : James Lauge and Cannon-Ward Theory 13. Concept and Development of Morality : Kohlberg’s Theory and Determinants 14. Nature of Play 15. Exceptional Children : Meaning and Types, Mentally Retarted, Gifted Child, Delinquent Child and Backward Child 16. Physically Handicapped Child 17. Aging : Meaning, Characteristics, Personal, Social, Vocational and Family Adjustment, Factors Influencing Adjustment-During Aging.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.