Social Research and Methods
1. Social Research : Meaning, Scope and Significance, 2. Social Survey : Meaning and Differences with Social Research, 3. Scientific Study of Social Phenomena, 4. Scientific Method : Logic in Social Science 5. Hypothesis : Concept and Formulation, 6. Sampling Techniques, 7. Questionnaire, 8. Schedule
Social Thinkers
1. Auguste Comte : Law of Three Stages and Positivism, 2. Herbert Spencer : Social Darwinism, 3. Emile Durkheim : Division of Labour and Theory of Suicide, 4. Max Weber : Social Action and Protestant Ethics and Rise of Capitalism, 5. Karl Marx : Materialistic Conception of History, Dialectical Materialism and Class-Struggle, 6. Vilfredo Pareto.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.