Buy Sociology of U.P. Universities for B.A. and M.A. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

समाजशास्त्र Sociology B.A. 2nd Year

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According to New Unified Syllabus of Various Universities of Uttar Pradesh State for B.A - II and, also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 8811

ISBN : 978-93-84223-52-6

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Karan Singh Chauhan, Dr. Bharat Agarwal

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Book Content


1. Poverty 2. In Equality or Differentiation of Caste and Gender 3. Ethnic, Religious, Language and Regional Problems in Indian Society 4. Problems of Minorities in Indian Society 5. Problems of  Backward Classes 6. Problems of Dalits 7. Human Rights Violation 8. Dowry-System 9. Domestic Violence 10. Divorce 11. Intra and Inter-Generation Conflict 12. Problems of Elderly 13. Development Induced Displacement 14. Ecological Degradation 15. Consumerism 16. Crisis of Values 17. Crime 18. Juvenile Delinquency 19. White-Collar Crime and Criminals 20. Alcoholism and Drug-Addiction 21. Suicide 22. Terrorism 23. Cyber Crime 24. Corruption in Public Sphere

 UNIT - Ii 

1. Social Change : Concept, Nature and Factors of Social Change 2. Biological and Demographic Factors of Social Change 3. Technological and Economic Factors of Social Change 4. Cultural Factors of Social Change5. Infotech Factors of Social Change 6. Theories of Social Change : Demographic & Biological, Evolutionary and Diffusionist Theories 7. Marxist Technological Deterministic Theory, Linear and Cyclical Theories of Social Change 8. Industrialization and Urbanization 9. Modernization 10. Sanskritization 11. Social Evolution 12. Social Changes in India 13. Social Control : Meaning, Need, Importance, Types, Theories and Agencies 14. Family and Social Control 15. Propaganda  and Social Control, 16. Social Control and Public Opinion 17. Education and Social Control 18. State and Social Control 19. Law 20. Religion and Social Control. 

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Karan Singh Chauhan, Dr. Bharat Agarwal
  • Class : B.A. IInd Year (MGKV University, Varanasi), B.A. II (Dr. BRA University, Agra), B.A. II (VBSP University, Jaunpur)
  • Page No. : 507
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.