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विज्ञापन एवं विक्रय संवर्धन Advertising and Sales Promotion B. Com. 5th Sem

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According to New Syllabus of Various Universities of India for B. Com. & M. Com, also very helpful for students preparing for various Entrance Examination.

Book Code : 5532

ISBN : 978-93-90556-39-7

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Jay Bansal

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Book Content

Syllabus - 

Unit I    :    Introduction

Meaning, Nature and Importance of Advertising; Types of Advertising; Advertising Objectives, Audience Selection, Setting of Advertising Budget : Determinants and Major Methods.

Unit II    :    Media Decision
 Major Media Types—Their Merits and Demerits; Factor Influencing Media Choice, Media Selection, Media Scheduling.

Unit III    :    Message Development

Advertising Appeals, Advertising Copy and Elements.

Unit IV    :    Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Evaluating Communication and Sales Effects; Pre and Post Testing Techniques.

Unit V    : 

(a)    Advertising Agency : Role, Types and Selection of Advertising Agency.
(b)    Social, Ethical and Legal aspects of Advertising in India.

Content :-

1. Advertisement (Meaning, Nature, Objectives, Functions, Impor-tance, Economic and Social Effects, 2. Advertising : Types and Media, 3. Advertising Process (Media Planning and Scheduling and Advertising Budget, 4. Appeals in Advertising, 5. Preparation of Advertising Copy, 6. Evaluation of Effectiveness of Advertisement, 7. Advertising Agency : Structure and Functions, 8. Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Advertising

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Jay Bansal
  • Class : B. Com. Vth Semester Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh
  • Page No. : 134
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.