1. Concept and Components of Environment 2. Ecology and Ecosystem 3. Environmental Education in Vedas4. Indian Traditional Knowledge in Environment and Disaster Managemtn 5. Biodiversity and Its Conservation 6. Sustainable Development 7. Desertification 8. Soil Erosion and Soil Exhaustion 9. Deforestation 10. Air Pollution, water Pollution and Disposat of Solid Waste 11. Ganga Action Plan Tiger Project Tehari Dam and Narmada Valley Project 12. Science of Climate Change : Understanding Climate Change, Green House Gases and Global Warming 13. Global Climatic Assessment (IPCC, Impacts of Climate Chnage, National Action Plan on Climate Change) 14. Disaster, Hazards, Risk Vulnerability, Types of Disasters, Disasters Managemtn Disaster Management Cycle 15. Flood, Drought, Cyclone, Earthque, Tsunami Landslide, Chemical and Nuclear Disaster Do,s and Don 'ts During Disasters
Practical (Thernatic, Weather and Geological Maps)
1. Use of Data in Geography 2. Tabulation and Descriptive Statistics and Graphical Presentation of Data 3. Meaurement of Central Tendencies 4. Measurement of Partitions 5. Dispersion 6. Sampling and Theoretical Distribution 7. Correlation 8. Simple Regreeion and Maping of Residulas From Regression.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.