1. Management : Concept and Process 2. Managerial Functions 3. Co-ordination 4. Evolution of Management Thought 5. Management by Objectives : Peter F. Drucker 6. Planning (Concept, Types and Importance) 7. Types of Plans and Strategic Planning 8. Environment Analysis and Business Environment 9. Decisions or Decision Making (Meaning, Concept, Characteristics, Types, Process, Significance, Techniques, Decision and Rationale and Bounded Rationality) 10. Organizing (Meaning, Concept, Nature, Process, Principles and Significance) 11. Span of Control and Centralization and Decentralization of Authority 12. Authority and Delegation of Authority 13. Types or Forms of Organizations and Theories 14. Staffing 15. Motivation (Concept, Process, Theories and Importance) 16. Leadership (Concept, Theories and Styles) 17. Communication (Meaning, Concept, Nature, Kinds, Interpersonal and Organisational Communication, Effective Communication, One-Way and Two-Way Communication, Process, Networks, Barriers and Improving Communication) 18. Control or Managerial Control (Concept, Nature, Process and Techniques-Traditional and Modern) 19. Techniques of Control and Emerging Issues in Management.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.