Micro Economics -
1. Micro Economics : Definitions, Meaning, Importance and Limitations 2. Inductive and Deductive Methods 3. Law of Demand 4. Elasticity of Demand and its Measurement 5. Production Function and Internal and External Economies 6. Production and Factors of Production 7. Cost Analysis 8. Revenue Analysis 9. Market Structure : Concept, Definitions, Characteristics and Classification 10. Perfect Competition (Price Determination and Equili-brium of Firm in Perfect Competition) 11. Price Determination in Imperfect Competition 12. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution
Macro Economics -
1. Macro Economics : Concept, Nature, Scope, Importance and Limitations 2. National Income : Definitions, Features and Concepts 3. Wages 4. Interest 5. The Classical Theory of Employment 6. Theory of Keynesian Employment 7. Quantity Theory of Money 8. Modern Theory of Money 9. Keynesian Theory of Money and Price 10. Recent Industrial Policy 11. Industrial Growth in Phase II and Phase III 12. Disinvestment 13. Foreign Direct Investment.
Micro Economics -
Unit–1 Micro Economics—Definition, Meaning, Inductive and Deductive Methods, Importance and Limitations of Micro Economics.
Unit–2 Law of Demand—Meaning and Definition, Characteristics, Types of Demand, Exceptions of Law of Demand.
Unit–3 Elasticity of Demand—Concept, Definition, Importance, Types and Measurement of Elasticity of Demand, Production Function (With One and Two Variables), Economies—Internal and External.
Unit–4 Factors of Production—Land, Labour, Capital, Organization and Enterprise. Cost and Revenue Analysis.
Unit–5 Market Structure—Concept, Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Price Determination Under Perfect of Imperfect Competition. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution.
Macro Economics -
Unit–1 Macro Economics—Concept, Nature, Importance, Limitations, Differ-ence Between Micro and Macro Economics.
Unit–2 National Income—Meaning, Definition and Concept, Methods for Measuring National Income in India and its Problems.
Unit–3 Theories of Wages, Interest and Employment.
Unit–4 Monetory Theories—Quantity Theory of Money, Modern Theory of Money, Keynes’s Theory of Money and Price
Unit–5 Recent Industrial Policy, Industrial Growth in Phase II and III Disinvestments, Foreign Direct Investment.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.