Content :
1. Introduction to Internet 2. Internet Enabled Services 3. Designing Web Site/Web Page 4. Security of Data/Information 5. Web Browsing 6. Search Engine/Directories.
UNIT I : The mechanism of the Internet: Distributed computing; Client-server computing; Internet Protocol suite; Protocol Stack; Open System Interconnection Reference Model (OSIRM) based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (Application layer, presentation layer, session. Layer, transport layer network layer, data link layer, and physical layer); TCP/IP protocol suite model; Mechanism of transmitting the message across the network and function of each layer; Processing of data at the destination; Mechanism to log onto the network; Mechanism of sending and receiving email.
UNIT II : Internet Enabled Services : Electronic mail (E-mail); Usenet & newsgroup; File transfer protocol (FTP); Telnet; Finger; Internet chat (IRC); Frequently asked questions (FAQ); The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - origin and evolution; Standardizing the Web; W3C members; W3C recommendations; Browsing and searching; Browsing and information retrieval; Exploring the World Wide Web; Architecture of World Wide Web; Hyperlink; Hypertext Markup Language (HTML); Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Address- URL.
UNIT III : Designing Web Site/Web Page : WW operations, Web standards, HTML -concept and version; Naming scheme for HTML documents; HTML editor, Explanation of the structure of the homepage; Elements in HTML documents; XHTML, CSS, Extensible Style sheet Language (SXC); Tips for designing web pages.
UNIT IV : Security of Data/Information : Security; Network security; PINA factor-privacy; integrity, non-repudiation, authentication; SSL; Encryption; Digital signature; Digital certificate; Server security; Firewall; Passward; Biometric; Payment security; Virus protection; Hacking.
UNIT V : Web Browsing : Browsers : Basic functions of web browsers; Browsers with advanced facility; Internet explorer; Netscape navigator. Netscape Communicator.
UNIT VI : Search Engine/Directories : Directory; General features of the search engines; Approaches to website selection; Major search engines; Specialized search engines; Popular search engines/ directories; Guidelines for effective searching; A general approach to searching.
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