1. The Definitions of Economics 2. Scope of Economics and its Nature 3. Methods of Economic Study 4. Some Important Economic Postulates 5. Micro and Macro Economics 6. Economics Statics and Dynamics 7. Econ-omic Laws & their Nature 8. Economic Systems and their Features 9. Demand & Supply-Basic Framework 10. Utility and Marginal Utility Analysis 11. Indifference Curve & Consumer's Equilibrium 12. Income Effect Subs-titution Effect & Price Effect 13. Consumer's Surplus 14. Elasticity of Demand and its Measurement 15. Pro-duction and Factors of Production 16. Production Function 17. Law of Returns 18. ISO-Product Curves and its Characteristics 19. Production Decision-Optimum Cost Combination 20. Returns to Scale 21. Cost : Concepts and Various Concepts 22. Market : Concepts and Types 23. Concept of Revenue 24. Equilibrium of Firm : Concept and Conditions 25. Perfect Competition 26. Monopoly and Price Discrimination 27. Monopolistic Competition 28. Concept of National Income 29. Theories of Distribution 30. Rent 31. Wages 32. Interest 33. Profits.
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