Buy Itihas History A Best Textbook for the New Session of Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh, Prayagraj On the Basis of National Education Policy -2020 and NCERT Rationalised Syllabus.

NCERT इतिहास History Class 11 Full Course

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A Best Textbook for the New Session of Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh, Prayagraj On the Basis of National Education Policy -2020 and NCERT Rationalised Syllabus.

Book Code : 9046

ISBN : 9046

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Brajesh Kumar Srivastava

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Book Content

1. Introduction to World History
Section 'A' : Early Societies
2. Early Societies 3. From the Beginning of Time : Paleolithic Cultures 4. Early Cities and the Nature of Early Urban Societies
Section 'B' : Empires
5. Empires 6A. An Empire across Three Continents : Roman Empire (27 BC to 600 A.D.) 6B. An Empire across Three Continents : Irani Empire 7. Rise of Islamic Empires and the Crusades 8. The Empire of Nomadic Mongols (13th to 14th Century)
Section 'C' : Changing Traditions
9. Changing Traditions 10. Three Orders of the Western Europe : 9th-16th Century 11. Changing Cultural Traditions of Europe : 14th to 17th Century 12. European Voyage and Confrontation of Cultures
Section 'D' : Paths to Modernization
13. Paths to Modernization 14. The Industrial Revolution 15. Displacement of Indigenous People in America and Australia 16. Path to Modernization : China and Japan

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Brajesh Kumar Srivastava
  • Class : 11
  • Page No. : 236
  • Year : 2025
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.