Buy Mathematics Lab Manual Project to the Latest Syllabus prescribed by Central Board of secondary education (CBSE), Delhi, Other State Boards and Navodaya, Eklavya, Kasturba, Kendriya Vidyalayas following CBSE curriculum based on NCERT guidelines.

NCERT Practical/Lab Manual/Project Mathematics Class 12

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Strictly according to the Latest Syllabus prescribed by Central Board of secondary education (CBSE), Delhi, Other State Boards and Navodaya, Eklavya, Kasturba, Kendriya Vidyalayas following CBSE curriculum based on NCERT guidelines.

Book Code : 3478

ISBN : 978-93-6207-540-6

Language : English

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. R. D. Sharma & Er. Meera Goyal

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Book Content

1    :    To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R = {(l,m) : ^  m} is symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive
2    :    To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R = {(l, m) : l || m} is an equivalence relation
3    :    To demonstrate a function which is not one-one but is onto
4    :    To demonstrate a function which is one-one but not onto
5    :    To draw the graph of sin–1 x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror reflection (about the line y = x)
6    :    To explore the principal value of the function sin–1 x using a unit circle
7    :    To sketch the graph of ax and loga x, a > 0, a # 1 and to examine that they are mirror images of each other
8    :    To establish a relationship between common logarithm (to the base 10) and natural logarithm (to the base e) of the number x
9    :    To find analytically the limit of a function f (x) at x = c and also to check the continuity of the function at that point
10    :    To verify that for a function f to be continuous at given point x0, Dy = | f (x0 + Dx) – f (x0)| is arbitrarily small, provided Dx is sufficiently small
11    :    To verify Rolle’s Theorem
12    :    To verify Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem
13    :    To understand the concepts of decreasing and increasing functions
14    :    To understand the concepts of local maxima, local minima and point of inflection
15    :    To understand the concepts of absolute maximum and minimum values of a function in a given closed interval through its graph
16    :    To construct an open box of maximum volume from a given rectangular sheet  by cutting equal squares from each corner
17    :    To find the time when the area of a rectangle of given demensions become maximum, if the length is decreasing and the breadth increasing at given rates
18    :    To verify that amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter, the square has the maximum area
19    :    To evaluate the definite integral òba Ö(1 – x2) dx as the limit of a sum and verify it by actual integration
20    :    To verify geometrically that c × (a + b) = c × a + c × b
21    :    To verify that angle in a semi-circle is a right angle, using vector method
22    :    To locate the points to given coordinates in space, measure the distance between two points in space and then to verify the distance using distance formula
23    :    To demonstrate the equation of a plane in normal form
24    :    To verify that the angle between two planes is the same as the angle between their normals
25    :    To find the distance of given point (in space) from a plane (passing through three non-collinear points) by actual measurement and also analytically
26    :    To measure the shortest distance two skew-lines and verify it analytically
27    :    To explain the computation of conditional probability of a given event A, when event B has already occurred, through an example of throwing a pair of dice
1    :    To minimise the cost of the food, meeting the dietary requirements of the staple food of the adolescent students of your school
2    :    Estimation of the population of a particular region/country under the assumptions that there is no migration in or out of the existing population in a particular year
3    :    Finding the coordinates of different points identified in your classroom using the concepts of three dimensional geometry and also find the distances between the identified points
4    :    Formation of differential equation to explain the process of cooling of boiled water to a given room temperature
Log and Antilog

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. R. D. Sharma & Er. Meera Goyal
  • Class : 12
  • Page No. : 166
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.