1. Historical Building of Economics in India (with SDpecial Reference to Kautilya) 2. The Definitions of Economics 3. Scope of Economics and its nature (Positive vs Normative Science) 4. Micro and Macro Economics 5. Method of Study of Economics 6. Economic Laws and Their Nature 7. Basic Problem of an Economy 8. Elasticity of Demand 9. Concept of Revenue 10. Production and Factors of Production 11. Returns of Scale 12. Production Functions 13. Law of Return (Law of Variable Proportion) 14. ISO-Product Curve and Its Characteristics15. Market : Concept and Various Types 16. Theory of Cost 17. Perfect Competition 18. Monopoly and Price Discrimination 19. Imperfect and Monopolistic Competition-Price Determination 20. Rent 21. Wages 22. Interest 23. Profit
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