1. Business, Trade, Industry and Commerce : Concepts, Objectives and Functions 2. Social Responsibility of Business, Ethics and Human Values 3. Forms of Business Organisations : Sole Proprietorship or Sole Trade 4. Partnership (Including Provision of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) 5. Hindu Undivided/Joint Family Business 6. Co-Operative Organisation/Societies 7. Joint Stock Company 8. Promotion of a Company 9. Memorandum of Association 10. Articles of Association 11. Prospectus 12. Prevention of Oppression and Mis-Management 13. Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamation 14. Winding up of Company15. Management : Meaning and Characteristics 16. Principles of Management : Fayol’s Principles 17. Functions of Management 18. Planning 19. Management By Objectives (MBO) 20. Organisation 21. Organisation Structure and Forms of Organisation 22. Span of Management and Centralisation and Decentralisation 23. Authority, Power, Respon-sibility, Accountability and Delegation of Authority 24. Co-ordination : Meaning and Nature 25. Controlling 26. Communication 27. Motivation 28. Leadership.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.