UNIT - I Macro Economics
1. Concept of Macro Economics 2. Circular Flow of Income 3. Concepts of National Income 4. Social Accounting of National Income 5. National Income and Economic Welfare 6. The Classical Theory of Employment 7. Theory of Keynesian Employment 8. Consumption Function-Average and Marginal Propensity to Consume-Factors Influencing Consumption Spending 9. Multiplier and Acceleration Principles10. Investment-Meaning, Type & Inducement and Marginal Efficiency of Capital & Investment 11. Keynesian Theory of Liquidity Preference 12. IS and LM Functions-General Equilibrium of Product and Money Market 13. Monetary Policy 14. Fiscal Policy 15. Inflation, Deflation & Stagflation and Measurement of Inflation 16. The Phillips Curve 17. Trade Cycle 18. Ancient Indian Concept of Aya, Rina and Dana (Market Failure)
UNIT - II Money, Banking and Public Finance
1. Meaning, Definition and Functions of Money 2. Classification of Money 3. Value of Money and Quantity Theory of Money 4. Supply of Money and High Powered Money 5. Bank : Meaning and Types 6. Commercial Bank and Credit Creation 7. Electronic Banking 8. Meaning, Importance and Functions of Central Banking 9. Reserve Bank of India : Credit Control 10. Public Finance : Meaning, Nature and Scope 11. Public, Private and Merit Goods 12. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage 13. Public Expenditure : Meaning, Nature, Wagner and Wiseman Peacock’s Law 14. Classification and Canons of Public Expenditure 15. Economic Effects and Public Expenditure 16. Public Revenue : It’s Classification and Sources 17. Canons of Taxation and Characteristics of Good Tax System 18. Incidence, Impact and Shifting of a Tax 19. G.S.T.—Format and Computing Process 20. Taxable Capacity in India 21. Effects of Taxation 22. Public Debts : Meaning, Role and Classification 23. Methods of Public Debt Redemption 24. Deficit Financing 25. Federal Finance in India 26. Fifteenth Finance Commission 27. Central Government Economic Budget 2022-23 28. Madhya Pradesh Economic Budget 2022-23.
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