First Paper
1. India : General Introduction 2. Physical Features and Relief 3. Geological Structure 4. Drainage System 5. Climate 6. Water Resources 7. Minerals Resources 8. Forest Resources : Types and Distribution 9. Power Resouces 10. Wild Life Resources and their Conservation 11. Cultural Landscape of India : Population and its Chara-cteristics 12. Indian Economy : Agriculture and its Characteristics and Major Crops 13. Industrial Development 14. International Trade 15. Madhya Pradesh : An Introduction, Geological Structure, Physical Setting, Drainage System 16. Climate : Madhya Pradesh 17. Soils and Natural Vegetation 18. Minerals 19. Agriculture, Industries and Trade 20. Madhya Pradesh : Population Structure, Distribution, Density, Growth, Sex-Ratio, Literacy 21. Rural-Urban Migration in Madhya Pradesh 22. Scheduled Tribes in Madhya Pradesh 23. Tourism in Madhya Pradesh 24. Political Aspects
Second Paper
1. Meaning and Definition of the Term Region 2. Concept, Need and Types of Regional Planning 3. Regionalization of India for Planning 4. Theories and Model for Regional Planning 5. Changing Concept of Development Measurement, Indicators and Strategis of Regional Development 6. Backward Region and Regional Plannings : Special area Development Plannings in India 7. Efficiency-Equity Debate, Concept of Under Develop-ment, Niti Aayog 8. Human Development
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.