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NEP गृह विज्ञान Home Science संचार एवं प्रसार (MJC-5) वस्त्रों का परिचय (MJC-6) आंतरिक स्थान के लिए योजना एवं डिज़ाइन (MJC-7) प्रयोगिक सहित B. A. 4th Sem

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A Textbook According to National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 Based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for Semesterwise Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP) for Various Universities of Bihar State.

Book Code : 3856

ISBN : 978-93-6207-565-9

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Meena Kumari & Meera Goyal

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Book Content

MJC-5 Communication and Extension

1. Communication 2. Kinds of Communication 3. Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication 4. Types of Communication 5. Importance of Communication in Extension and Models of Communication 6. Barriers and Breakdown in Communication 7. Extension Education : Meaning, Scope, Objectives, Need and Philosophy and Principles 8. Extension Training 9. Extension Teaching Methods 10. Audio-Visual Aids 11. Rural Sociology : Introduction 12. Importance of Rural Sociology for Extension Workers 13. Rural Leadership.

Practical 1. Audio-Visual Aids

MJC-6 Introduction to Textile

1. Introduction to Textiles and Classification 2. Natural Fibers 2. Cellulosic Fibres : Cotton 4. Cellulosic Fibers : Linen 5. Protien Fibers : Wool 6. Protein Fibers : Silk 7. Manmade Fibers : Rayon, Nylon and Polyster 8. Types of Yarns and Construction of Yarn 9. Properties of Yarn 10. Woven and Non-Woven Fabrics 11. Knitted Fabrics : Hand Knitting and Machine Knitting 12. Finishes of Textiles 13. Dyeing 14. Printing 15. Care of Textiles 16. Storage of Textiles.

Practical 1. Fiber Identification, Care of Textiles and Stain Removal

MJC-7 Planning and Designing Interior Space

1. Concept of Housing 2. Housing As a Symbol of Standard of Living 3. Selection of Site for Construction of a House 4. Building Materials : Types, Characteristics and Use 5. Green and Eco-Friendly Building Construction 6. The Basis of Designing Interior Space 7. Design : Definition and Types 8. Elements and Principles of Design 9. Aesthetic and Functional Considerations Designing Interior Space 10. Furniture 11. Lighting 12. Accessories in the Interior 13. Building Services in an Interior (Disposal of Household Defuse) 14. Drainage and Disposal of Human Refuse 15. Rain Water Harvesting System.

Practical 1. Draw House Plans Standard Specification, Furniture and Colour.

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Meena Kumari & Meera Goyal
  • Class : B. A. IVth Semester (MJC-5/MJC-6/MJC-7) All Bihar Universities
  • Page No. : 436
  • Year : 2025
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.