1. Human Development : Introduction, Principles of Development, 2. Method of Studying of Human Development, 3. Foundation and Developmental Pattern : Hededity and Environment, Importance, Relation, Effect to Maturation, 4. Perental Development : Stages and Determinants Neonatal Development Properties Related to Physical Development, 5. Sensory Capacities and Process of Infants, 6. Sensory Capacity of Human, 7. Infancy : Physical, Social, Thought and Language Development, 8. Childhood Development : Cognitive Development, Nature and Approaches, Piaget, Vyogotsky and Information Processing, 9. Childhood Development : Emotion, Nature of Emotion, Meaning and Definition, Physiological Changes During Emotions, Theories of Emotions : James Lauge and Canon-Ward Theory, 10. Childhood Development : Concept and Development of Morality : Kohlbergs Theory and Determinants, 11. Adolescence : Physical Changes (Puberty and Growth Spurts) Development of Self Identity, Cognitive and Emotional Development, 12. Concept of Social and Moral Development Adolescence, Criteria and Stages, Concepts and Development of Emotions : Watson and Bridges Theories, 13. Early Adulthood : Different Changes, Role, Relation, Characteristics and Developmental Functions, 14. Aging : Meaning, Characteristics, Personal, Social, Vocational, Family Adjustment and Factors Influencing Adjustment During Aging.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.