1. The Emergence of Sociology : Transition from Social Philosophy to Sociology-The Intellectual Context 2. Enlightenment : The Social, Economic and Political forces—The French and Industrial Revolutions 3. Auguste Comte : Positivism, The Hierarchy of Sciences and Law of Three Stages 4. Herbert Spencer : Social Evaluation and Social Darwinism 5. Emile Durkheim : Social Fact, Mechanical and Organic Solidarity and Suicide 6. Vilfredo Pareto : Logical and Non-Logical Action, Residues and Derivatives 7. Karl Marx : Historical Materialism and Class Struggles 8. Max-Weber : Social Action, Power and Authority, Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism 9. George Herbert Mead : Symbolic Interactionism 10. Talcott Parsons : Social System, Pattern Variables 11. R. K. Merton : Theories of Middle Range, Latent and Manifest Functions.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.