1. Nature, Structure, Growth and Composition of Indian Economy 2. Sectoral Development of the Economy and Their Inter-relationship 3. Utilization of Natural Resources in India : Land, Water and Forest Resources 4. Utilization of Natural Resources in India : Minerals 5. Utilization of Human Resources 6. Problems of Population and Population Policy in India 7. Need, Objectives and Strategy of Economic Planning in India 8. Problem of Poverty in India : Causes, Efforts for Removal and Suggestions 9. Unemployment in India : Nature, Extent and Employ-ment Policy 10. Agriculture in India : Trends of Production and Pro-ductivity 11. Land Reforms in India : Agricultural Holdings, Sub-Division, Fragmentation and Consolidation 12. Agricultural Labour, Rural Unemployment and Under Unemployment13. Agricultural Finance and Rural Indebtedness 14. Problems of Supply of Agricultural Inputs 15. Problems of Irrigation and Power Resources 16. Agricultural Marketing and Agricultural Price Policy in India 17. Co-operative Farming, Agriculture and Rural Develop-ment 18. Technology Change in Agriculture 19. Agricultural Development During Plans : New Agricultural Strategies and Green Revolution 20. Growth and Structure of Industries in India 21. Industrial and Licensing Policies in India 22. Major Large Scale Industries in India 23. Small Scale and Cottage Industries in India (Importance, Development, Problems and Solutions) 24. Industrial Finance in India 25 . Foreign Capital and Multinational Corporations in India 26. Industrial Labour in India-Wages and Wage Regulation 27. Social Security and Labour Welfare in India 28. Industrial Relation, Industrial Peace and Trade Union Movement in India 29. Nature, Structure and Development of Service Sector in India 30. Nature, Structure and Development of Uttar Pradesh Economy 31. Uttar Pradesh Economy During Plans 32. Demographic Scenario in Uttar Pradesh–2011 33. Infra-structure in Uttar Pradesh : Energy, Transporta-tion and Water Resources34. Decentralization of Planning in Uttar Pradesh 35. Industrial Development in Economy of Uttar Pradesh 36. Small and Cottage Industries in Uttar Pradesh 37. Agriculture in Uttar Pradesh 38. Unemployment and Poverty in Uttar Pradesh 39. Regional Disparities (Imbalance) and Policy Issues.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.