Buy Business Communication of Uttrakhand and Jharkhand Universities for B.Com. and M.Com. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

व्यावसायिक सम्प्रेषण Business Communication B. Com. 2nd Year

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According to New Syllabus of Uttrakhand and Jharkhand Universities for B.Com. and M.Com. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 8127

ISBN : 978-93-6207-640-3

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Sanjay Gupta

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Book Content

1. Basic Forms of Business Communication 2. Different Models and Processes of Communication 3. Effective Communication 4. Theories of Communication and Audience Analysis 5. Self-Development and Communication 6. Corporate Communication 7. Barriers and Breakdowns in Communication 8. Practices in Business Communication 9. Principles of Effective Communication 10. Writing Skills 11. Written Business Communication 12. Written Business Communication-Medium : Letters 13. Kinds of Business Letters : Request Letters 14. Good and Bad News Letters 15. Persuasive Letters : Sales Letters and Collection Letters 16. Office Memorandum and Circular 17. Proposal and Report Writing 18. Oral Presentation 19. Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication 20. Effective Listening 21. Interviewing Skills 22. Modern Forms of Communication 23.  International Communication 24. International Communication Adopting to Global Business.

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Sanjay Gupta
  • Class : B. Com. IInd Year Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidhyapith University, Varanasi
  • Page No. : 360
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.