1. Indian Economic Environment : Concept, Components and Importance, 2. Economic System, 3.Concept of Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization, 4. Multinational Corporation and World Trade, 5. National Income, 6. Saving, 7. Investment, 8. Industrial Sickness in India, 9. Inflation, 10 .Unemployment, 11. Poverty, 12. Monetary Policy, 13. Fiscal Policy, 14. World Bank, 15. International Monetary Fund, 16. Balance of Payment, 17. Money, 18. Finance, 19. Price, 20. General Agreement on Trade and Tariff—GATT, 21. International Economic Grouping, 22. Foreign Trade and Economic Growth, 23 .Regional Imbalance, 24. International Trading Environment, 25. U.N.O. Conference on Trade and Development—UNCTAD, 26. Current Five Year Plans and Allocation of Resources, 27. Social Injustice, 28. Export-Import Policy, 29. Parallel Economy, 30. Devaluation, 31. Trends of World Trade and the Problems of Developing Countries, 32. Collaborations (In the Light of Recent Changes), 33. Foreign Investment and its Regulation, 34. Insurance Regulation and Development Act, 35. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 36. Consumer Protection, 37. Regulation of Foreign Investment, 38. SWOT Analysis, 39. Global System of Tarrif Preference (GSTP),
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.