Buy Aarthik Samvradhi Evam Niyojan (Economic Growth And Planing) of Bihar Universities for B.Com. and M.Com. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

आर्थिक संवृद्धि एवं नियोजन Economic Growth And Planing B.A. 3rd Year

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According to New Syllabus of Bihar Universities for B.Com. and M.Com. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 7474

ISBN : 978-93-5167-292-0

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. V. C. Sinha

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Book Content

UNIT – I Economic Growth

1. Economic Development : Meaning, Measurement, Indicators and Determinants, 2. Developed and Under-developed (Developing) Economy, 3. Obstacles in Economic Development or Causes of Under-development, 4. Terms of Trade and Economic Development, 5. Human Resources and Economic Development, 6. Factors affecting Economic Growth : Labour, Capital and Technology, 7. Socio-economic Infrastructure and its Importance, 8. Myrdal’s Theory of Circular Causation, 9. Nelson’s Theory of Low-Level Equilibrium—Trap, 10. Rodan’s Theory of Big Push, 11. Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth, 12. Harvey Leibenstein’s Theory of Critical Minimum Effort, 13. Theory of Economic Growth—Marx, 14. Theory of Economic Growth—Schumpeter, 15. The Harrod-Domar Growth Models, 16. Doctrine of Balanced and Unbalanced Growth, 17. Saving, Investment and Capital Formation, 18. Disguised Unemployment and Saving Potentiality— Nurkse Model, 19. Lewis’s Theory of Unlimited Supplies of Labour, 20. Problem of Choice of Technique of Technology, 21. Foreign Capital and Economic Development, 22. Growth, Poverty and Income Inequalities, 23. Monetary Policy of India, 24. Fiscal Policy of India, 25. Price Policy of India, 26. Income Policy in Economic Development, 27. Resource Mobilisation in Economic Development, 28. Black Money—Parallel Economy in India, 29. Export-Import Policy of India, 30. New Economic Policy—Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation,

UNIT – II Planning

1. Investment Criteria in Economic Development, 2. Fundamental Principles of Planning, 3. Types and Techniques of Economic Planning, 4. Project Evaluation and Cost-Benefit Analysis, 5. Planning in India : Objectives, Strategies and Achieve-ments, 6. Changing Role of State and Market Mechanism in Economic Policy of India, 7. Formation of Five Year Plans in India and Gadgil Formula, 8. Economic Growth and Social Injustice in Indian Plans, 9. Sectoral Allocation of Resources in Indian Plans, 10. Financing of the Plans, 11. Industrial Development during Planning Period, 12. Industrial Policy in India, 13. Agriculture and Agriculture Policy in India, 14. Unemployment in India, 15. Poverty in India, 16. Ninth Five Year Plan, 1997-2002, 17. Tenth Five Year Plan, 2002-2007.

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. V. C. Sinha
  • Class : B.A. IIIrd Year (BRA University, Muzaffarpur)
  • Page No. : 464
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.