1. Labour Economics and Labour Problems 2. Industrial Labour and Labour Market in India 3. The Concept and Evolution of Personnel Management 4. Manpower Planning : Manpower Requirements, Selection and Recruitment 5. Employee Training and Managerial Development 6. Human Factor in Employment and Concepts of Industrial Relations and Human Relations 7. Trade Unions and Trade Unionism—Rise and Growth of Trade Union Movement 8. Concept of Industrial Peace & Prevention and Settlement of Industrial Disputes 9. The Role of Collective Bargaining 10. Concepts of Industrial Democracy and Worker’s Participa-tion in Management 11. Industrial Relations in Public Sector 12. The Demand for Supply of Labour and Theories of Wage Determination 13. Wage-Differentials, Systems of Wage Payment & Incentives 14. The Wage Policy and Wage Regulation 15. Wages, Efficiency of Labour and Productivity and Role of Rationalisation and Automation 16. Wages and Earnings of Workers in India–The Level of Living and Indebtedness of Industrial Workers 17. The Payment of Bonus 18. The Concept of Welfare State and India 19. Social Security : Concept and Provisions 20. Labour Welfare–Concept and Provisions 21. Housing of Industrial Workers 22. Theories and the Problems of Unemployment 23. Health and Safety of Workers and Labour Legislation in India 24. Labour and Co-operation 25. Rural/Agricultural Labour in India 26. Child and Woman Labour 27. Labour Administration in India 28. International Labour Organisation and India.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.