1. Public Finance-Meaning, Nature, Scope, Importance and Difference Between Private and Public Finance 2. Private Goods and Public Goods 3. Principle or Doctrine of Maximum Social Advantage 4. Government budget-preparation and classification 5. Sources of public revenue 6. Taxation 7. Satisfaction of Public wants-the Benefit Approach The Ability to Pay Approach 8. Incidence, Impact and Shifting of Tax 9. Effects of Taxation 10. Theories of Increase in Public Expenditure 11. Classification of Public Expenditure 12. Effects of Public Expenditure on Production and Distribution 13. Public Debt–Classification, Effects, Burden, Repayment and Management 14. Fiscal Policy : Stability and Economic Growth 15. Indian Public Finance : Sources of Income-Expenditure of Central Government 16. Main Sources of Income and Expenditure of State Governments 17. Indian Tax System 18. Public Expenditure in India 19. Indian Federal Finance 20. Comparative Cost Theory and Opportunity Cost Theory of International Trade 21. Reciprocal Demand Analysis 22. Terms of Trade 23. Free Trade and Protection 24. Tariffs and Non-Tariffs Methods 25. Balance of Payments : Concept, Importance, Causes of Disequilibrium and Policies to Reform of Balance of Payments 26. Foreign Trade of India and Foreign Trade Policy.
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